Psychology+Art Boxes

I am proud to present the range of Art and Psychology Boxes combining the psychology of self development with the benefits of creativity.

I am excited to bring these activities, which I originally designed for international leaders of household brands and which have been tried and tested all over the world, to your kitchen table. 

Everyone who has ever had a go at one of these activities, including self-professed non-creative and totally non-arty leaders, have found them to be eye-opening. Many describe the activities as life-changing and have expressed a sadness that they had not done something like this earlier in their lives.

In more recent times, I am thrilled to read that the science of NEUROAESTHETICS is legitimising these kinds of activities. When I first designed and used these activities, they were a bit way-out! Now science is proving what I have always known; Art engages our brains in alternative ways, taps into our emotions, helps us to explore and express ourselves and makes us feel good (if you are interested, there is more information about neuro-aestetics below).

Each box comes with all the materials required to complete the activity together with background psychological information and tried and tested psychological prompts to guide and support you.

All of this for only £79.99 per box including postage and packing.

Can you afford not to?

Do you fancy having a go?

Please DO email me so I can send a box, or boxes, out to you.